Covid-19 – Further Government Announcement
The government has now published the more detailed brief referred to in the Prime Minister’s speech yesterday; the full document can be read here.
What is most noticeable about the government’s brief is that it contains very little detail on the key issues, nor the specific advice that we all hoped for.
However, the following points are notable:
1. Vulnerable People
The government has confirmed that clinically extremely vulnerable people (those who have received a communication from the NHS) should continue to be shielded until the end of June at the very earliest.
Clinically vulnerable people (including those aged 70 or over, people with liver disease, people with diabetes, pregnant women and other) should stay at home as much as possible and if they do go out, particular care must be taken to minimise contact with others outside the household.
As we said last night, it’s clear that these people should not be required to attend work, but should work from home where possible.
2. Face Coverings
The Government is now advising that people should “aim to wear a face-covering in enclosed spaces where social distancing is not always possible and they come into contact with others that they do not normally meet, for example on public transport or in some shops. Homemade cloth face-coverings can help reduce the risk of transmission in some circumstances. Face-coverings are not intended to help the wearer, but to protect against inadvertent transmission of the disease to others if you have it asymptomatically.”
This raises numerous questions about whether employers should allow customers to enter premises if they’re not wearing masks.
It also suggests that face coverings should be worn by all staff coming intro contact with the public.
We will continue to update members as further Government advice is announced.
Members with specific concerns or problems should contact the Advice Team on 01234 716014 (choose Option 1).